¡Inscríbete ya!

Aprovecha la oportunidad de entrenar con nosotros y desarrolla tus habilidades futbolísticas al máximo.

Inscripciones Abiertas

A youth soccer player in a white uniform prepares to make a pass during a practice or game on a green soccer field. Other players and coaches are present in the background, along with a large building and a banner with logos. There is sunlight suggesting a bright, clear day.
A youth soccer player in a white uniform prepares to make a pass during a practice or game on a green soccer field. Other players and coaches are present in the background, along with a large building and a banner with logos. There is sunlight suggesting a bright, clear day.

Únete a nuestra escuela y entrena con la garra y el espíritu del Cacique. ¡Inscríbete ya!


Nuestra escuela se encuentra en Quinta de Tilcoco, donde formamos jugadores con la garra y el espíritu del Cacique.


Quinta de Tilcoco, Chile


Lunes a Viernes